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Grandaddy - No Reason Left To Remain Here
  1. Why Glider Pilot - 8'02
  2. Everything Beautiful Is Far Away - 5'34
  3. Go Progress Chrome - 6'56
  4. Street Bunny - 2'45
  5. A.M. 180 - 4'43
  6. My Small Love - 1'50
  7. Levitz - 4'27
  8. I'm Not Allright - 6'47
  9. Summer Here Kids - 3'25
  10. Untitled - 6'58
  11. Here - 3'33
  12. Laughing Stock - 5'55
  13. Untitled - 0'48
  14. Fun, fun, fun - 5'08
  15. Collective Dreamwish Of Upperclass Elegance - 6'56
Date: 22-02-1998
Length: 73'47, 15 Tracks
Source: Audience recording
Venue: Vera
City: Groningen
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