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Eels - Rockin The Rockafella
  1. Dead Flowers - 2'49
  2. Susan's House - 3'45
  3. My Beloved Monster - 3'01
  4. Spunky - 3'43
  5. Guest List - 3'46
  6. Livin' Life - 3'31
  7. Mental - 5'00
  8. 13 - 2'11
  9. Flower - 4'00
  10. Fucker - 2'27
  11. Manchester Girl - 3'23
  12. A Most Unpleasant Man - 3'22
  13. Novocaine for the Soul - 4'39
  14. Rags to Rags - 4'41
  15. Not Ready Yet - 8'15
  16. Your Lucky Day in Hell - 3'40
  17. If I Was Your Girlfriend - 4'16
  18. Beautiful Freak - 3'51
  19. Hello Cruel World - 2'42
Date: 11-05-1997
Length: 73'02, 19 tracks
Source: Radio broadcast
Festival: Rockerfella Music Hall
City: Oslo
Country: Norway
Eels Official Site
The Galaxy
A Band Called Eels